Grant Deadline Friday, Feb. 7, 2025

Grant Deadline Friday, Feb. 7, 2025

The next deadline for our revised Grant program is Friday, Feb. 7, 2025!  Hey, that’s tomorrow! Learn more and apply here!  With this new program, we now have deadlines every other month.  While the focus of the grants is still promoting historic women...
Imogen Holst’s Concerto Enthusiastically Received

Imogen Holst’s Concerto Enthusiastically Received

Martin Ash, a free-lance violist/violinist in the London area who has previously provided us these insightful blog posts about Laura Maddelena Lombardini (here and here), was in thick of the recent world premiere performance of Imogen Holst’s Violin Concerto (1935),...
Support Our Work!!

Support Our Work!!

We launched our “Giving Tuesday” fund-drive on our Substack account, and now bring it here as well, so everyone is reminded to donate, and has a chance to get our awesome thank you gifts! From: Dr. Liane Curtis, President, Women’s Philharmonic Advocacy...