— Hey, I haven’t worn a sandwich-board since the VPO protest of 1999! A lot of fun!
My sign reads:
BSO, why are women composers excluded? 2011-2012: 70 pieces by 32 composers—ALL of them MEN.Women’s Philharmonic Advocacy www.wophil.org Sign our mailing list!And I handed out a flier (200 of ’em!). It’s amazing how some people look right through you when you are trying to hand them something. Others were, of course, full of interest and enthusiasm! I met some very kind people! And I met BSO artistic administrator Tony Fogg, who I had written back when I wrote James Levine and Mark Volpe in 2008 (and several times after that). He said that he had written me back a lengthy reply, but I never received it. Too bad to have a miscommunication, I will try again … and again …
Here’s a link to the front of the flier in PDF format (the back was a summary of my letter to the BSO referenced above)